After the End Fanfork Wiki

Shinto is one of the Religions practiced in After the End. Shinto is part of the Pacific religious group.


"Shinto is an ancient religion that combines cultural rituals, animist spirit worship, and a limited number of Buddhist traditions. In the centuries after the calamity, veneration of the Emperor grew into a demand for absolute obedience. Today the Divine Emperor is hidden from the people and believed to be in a perfect, eternal state of meditation, while his will is carried out by a sprawling clerical bureaucracy." ― In-game description of Shinto


Shintoism is an ancient faith, and seems to be the primary source for the Shinto faith of 2666. The Emperor of Japan has been deified again, being kept hidden in order to hide his mortal form, and the rulers of the Empire are in all but name the clericals.

THE FOLLOWING IS CONSIDERED SEMI-CANON CONTENT IN THE AFTER THE END LORE, SINCE THE INVASION HAPPENS AFTER 2666 IN A NON-CONFIRMED DATE This is one of the faiths imported from outside America by an invasion. Specifically, the faith arrives in the Japanese invasion, that happens on the west coast in a moment unspecified but around 2800 - 2900. The success of the faith in America is thus directly related to the invasion's successes.

Shinto Characters in 2666[]

There are no Shinto characters in America as of 2666.

Holy Sites[]

  • Washington
  • San Francisco
  • Los Angeles
  • Portland
  • New Orleans

In-game features[]

Shinto priests can inherit titles and marry. There is no religious head.

As of 2666, Shinto has 20.0 moral authority.

A temple holder of the Shinto faith is called a clerical.

Shinto rulers can host a Grand Tournament once in their reign. They can host a Obon Festival in Summer.

Shinto characters can choose one of four branches of Shintoism to practice;

  • Koshitu - The character follows the Koshisu school of Shintoism, venerating Amaterasu and the Emperor. + 5 vassal opinion, -5 opposite trait opinion.
  • Minzoku - The character follows the Minzoku school of Shintoism, following a large and varying list of local practices. +0.5 monthly prestige. -5 opposite trait opinion.
  • Ryobu - The Character follows the Ryobu school of Shintoism, emphasising the practice of syncretism with Buddism. +1 learning. -5 opposite trait opinion.
  • Shugendo - The character follows the Shugendo school of Shintoism, focusing on the esoteric aspects of the faith. +0.5 monthly piety. -5 opposite trait opinion.


  • Shinto is one of the three religions imported by an invasion, the others being Nousthreskeia and Thelema.